10 ways to promote your immunity

Improve digestion: establishing optimal acid reactions in the gut improves your chances of not allowing pathogens to leak into the gut and eventual bloodstream

Reduce your intake of refined sugar

Ensure that consume bitter foods as part of your diet such as sauerkraut
Remove all distractions that entertain the mind whilst eating, especially electronics.

Increase nutrient absorption

Increase your intake of essential fatty acids
Improve your intake of fibre
diversify your intake of fermented foods

Improve detoxification

Increase your intake of cruciferous vegetables
Ensure your getting enough minerals, especially zinc and selenium through your diet
Limit exposure additives, sweeteners and stimulants

Increase utilisation

Ensure your fat intake contains a healthy amount of polyunsaturated fat
alternate dietary strategy to optimise glucose disposal
Increase protein availability to improve intracellular hydration

Adrenal health

reduce intake of stimulants
Improve intake of minerals
regulate intake of electrolytes and water

Sex hormone function

Improve circulation
Modulate stress responses (see adrenal health)
Increase intake of essential fatty acids

Gallbladder function

Improve on anti oxidant intake
Regulate pH variables in the GI system
Ensure optimal glucose disposal


Improve on vitamin E and D status
Increase magnesium intake
Increase intake of essential fatty acids

Red Blood cell function

ensure adequate intake of vitamin C
Modulate stimulant intake
Increase parasympathetic activity that promotes diaphragmatic breathing

Immune system

ensure optimal microbiome balance in the gut
Reduce inflammation in the intestinal tract
Ensure optimal intake of minerals and vitamins that support the immune system