Autonomic Coaching Biometrics

The celebrated gold standard of measuring what we do, and we are successful in what we do, are the following three biometrics:
- Fasting Glucose
- Temperature
- Pulse Rate
Here’s why…
Fasting Glucose
This is hugely vital to get a grip of and to keep under control and is often an indicator that something is amiss. Your pancreas has the job of maintaining safe blood sugar levels. We have to fully understand where we are at with individual clients we work with so we know how to move forward and get them on the most effective and beneficial plan. There’s so much info we can gather by analysing fasting glucose and has such an impact on health and wellbeing. That single starting point allows us to pinpoint specifics. Here’s what it tells us:
- How the pancreas is performing
- Suppression of immunity
- Rest and sleep time – is it enough, sufficient for their needs – is it giving them the necessary energetic boosts?
- How stress is managed
- Are they having too many or too little calories
- How well macronutrients are consumed
- Are they getting enough micronutrients
This helps us recognise when we’re ill but also lends a hand in ascertaining if we’re performing as we should metabolically. This has never been so crucial to build immunity from viruses and infections and, especially after this past year, the more help we can give our immune systems to keep us well and safe from harm, the better. When we get struck down by a bug our body tends to have a bad habit of ramping up inflammation levels and white blood cell activity. A major player in maintaining metabolic levels is our friend the thyroid.
Your temperature can be affected by:
- Too much sugar
- Poor sleep
- Stress overload and not knowing how to cope
- Gut bacterial imbalances
- Not enough selenium
- Lack of the green stuff – veggies
- Lack of Vitamin C
- Lack of iodine
Pulse Rate
Our resting pulse rates can be very revealing and give us a clue of how healthy or unhealthy we are. Low pulse rates can be a badge of honour, particularly if you’re an elite athlete! However, and this is where red flags pop up, though it indicates lower stress response we have to look at the overall impact of stress on health. Yes, we do NEED stress. Without it we’re pretty much lost. It gifts us energy, vitality, and a reason to leap out of bed each morning. It just has to be BALANCED and not detrimental to our wellbeing. Checking cortisol (stress hormone) is best achieved by monitoring pulse rates. If our body is drowning in stress and damaging us, those readings will tell us.
Reasons for poor pulse rate are:
- Overusing stimulants
- Poor sleep
- Too much stress
- Lack of androgens
- Lack of certain but vital antioxidants
- Lack of Vitamin C
- Dehydration
- Lack of magnesium
To sum up, each of the above is central to Autonomic Coaching’s process and ethos. They’re at the heart of what we do and why we do it. Cold hard stats and facts enable us to tweak our bespoke and individual programmes to suit every single person who walks through our doors. We constantly review to make sure the client gets optimum benefit and value. By tracking quantifiable black and white data we swiftly assess what’s happening, if it’s working then great. If something isn’t working then we know exactly how we can refine regimes to best suit their purpose. These evaluations complement an overarching holistic approach, so the analysis we stringently do is coupled by real-time observations to see how every client is performing. Based on up-to-date readings for glucose level, temperature and pulse rates, we build the best plan available and will have no hesitation in switching it up – whether it’s exercise or nutrition – if the data alerts us and indicators are not improving as we had expected them to. Our superpower is that we are so on the ball we are actually stood on top of it. Our staff are expertly trained to analyse correctly and make judgement calls – the health of people are in our hands!
Once they sign up, every client embarks on a life-changing transformation that requires mental toughness and a can-do mindset for the physical challenges that may well initially break them! They smack into that wall at some point. But where there is a will there is a way. Our ethos at Autonomic Coaching is that walls are also there for you to lean on before you carry on!