Checks and Balances

Checks and balances….a question of homeostasis.
Physiological economics transcends simple calorie counting, truthfully calories are a mere energy factor but not a definitive hormone antagonist. Depending on the type of macronutrient and source of nutrients contained in each macronutrient, a diverse series of reactions can occur.
Insulin is produced from beta cells in the pancreas, promoting major anabolic reactions, insulin is responsible for the uptake of amino acids, lipids and glucose into our cells. Sensitivity to insulin determines the efficiency in which this super hormone is able to either promote beneficial homeostasis or possibly induce unwanted metabolic strain. Insulin is most notably responsible as a contributing factor toward intracellular hydration, which requires the assimilation of amino acids into the cellular space to balance concentration of potassium within consideration of external concentrations of sodium.
Poor insulin release or sensitivity leads to reduced intracellular hydration, reducing glycosylation rates in favor of poor genetic expression, leading into premature aging. Hydration is vital, the smallest concentration shift of anion and cations’ in the body can lead our physiology into multiple suppressed states of energy and neurotransmitter production, not to mention poor endocrine health and overall vigor in life.
Glucagon is produced from the alpha cells in the pancreas, promoting the formation of cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). Increased concentration availability of cAMP promotes gluconeogenesis, hepatic ketogenesis and glycolysis. Essentially glucagon aids to regulate the disposal of amino acids needed for the catabolic reactions formed during transamination pathways for the purpose of energy release. Management of energy build up is the main action in which glucagon exhibits its endocrine effect. Diets high in protein and low in carbohydrate increase the release of both insulin and glucagon, however the ration of release is in favor of glucagon. Importantly source of protein plays a determining role in the quantity of glucagon dominance during the reactive release and ratio of insulin:glucagon stimulation.
Vegan protein sources showing the greatest response to glucagon dominance over insulin release. Reasons as to why greater amounts of hypertrophy and overall rates of neurogenesis are attain through consumption of an omnivore diet,can be explained through the interactive role amino acid chains contained in animal proteins exhibit on the release of insulin.
In ratio comparison, vegan protein stimulates a greater favor toward glucagon release as opposed to animal protein expressing greater favor toward insulin release in the spectrum of the insulin:glucagon ratio.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…
No diet is better or worse, rather the application should be specific to the cause. Evaluation is required to ascertain where in the body the major problem stems from, assessing functional capacity of both the liver and pancreas plays a crucial role in dietary type and continuation. Below are a few scenarios of consideration:
1. Instances of fatty liver would do well to induce strategy that increases glucagon release whilst modulating insulin release. However this should be well managed through monitoring influence on metabolic systems, notably thyroid function. Dietary outline would consider lowering carbohydrate intake whilst also taking preference to vegan protein intake. 2. Instances of anxiety, fatigue and dampen liver detoxification/RBC filtration, would do well to improve insulin sensitivity and subsequent release whilst altering glucagon dominance in the insulin:glucagon ratio, favoring insulin. Improvement of intracellular hydration will duly be noted along with improved pituitary reaction to thyroid function. A diet low in carbohydrate with dominance to animal protein would best be suited 3. Instances of stress, essentially being wired and tired, would do well to alter the metabolic pathway dominance of amino acid metabolism favoring tryptophan metabolism. Thus a diet higher in carbohydrates and moderate in protein would best be suited to meet these needs. Caution however should be considered with regard to state of microbiome diversity and hepatic function.
The state dictates action, altering endocrine reaction to the food source and macronutrient dominance enables an improved overall function toward both catabolic and anabolic reactions, thus promoting optimal homeostasis. Congestion is the route of all disease, clearing out aspects within our physiology that are congested improves nutrient use and energy metabolism, leaving a body in an optimal state of performance.