1. Do you struggle to connect balance to a given exercise?

Proprioception is sought through a balance of both the sensory and motor peripheral systems, all of which are related to the position of gastric endocrine health

2. How often have you found that the only muscle that gets a pump during a workout is your back?

Increasing motor neuron activity requires a balanced autonomic state, stressed out bodies result in poor contraction ability

3. Ever join the 19inch gun salute?

The greater the imbalance of posture the greater the hypertonicity of appendicular structures. Tense calves and arms are simply not able to stretch and respond to contraction in the same way that calm tissue could create bicep peaks of glory or tricep bellies of wonder.

4. Do your calves resemble those of a fashion model?

Lack of balance in the superficial back line is often the result of a protective fetal posture, all of which limit knee extension and potential plantar flexion, leaving the calves in a state of poor growth potential.

5. Do you ever use your legs for any else besides squatting on the toilet?

Use it or lose it! Neural plasticity explains the benefits of encouraging the synaptic transmission of a movement as opposed to not using a motor pathway, simply if you want good legs you have to use them for more than sitting on a toilet!

6. Does your training provide you with better or worse balance throughout your body?

Knowing what your kinesiology can tolerate is essential in avoidance of eliciting an overwhelming state of motor neuron hyper polarity. Overactive neuron influence is an association to balance and commission of awareness, resulting in a poor response of tracts along our peripheral pathways.

7. Can you touch your toes?

Lack of flexibility in the posterior chain is often the result of overactive adrenals without much physical movement

8. Does the concept of running around the block seem overwhelming or exciting?

Anxiety to training is often caused by a state of poor gut health and associated serotonin levels

9. When last did you sprint to stimulate excitement?

Sprinting goes a long way to increase the time to action and frequency of fire in neuron cell bodies, both of which are major factors influencing neuron health.

10. When was the last time you performed a 1RM to determine your overall strength capacity?

Execution of a 1RM requires balanced states of stress and increased states of proprioception both of which are established through modulation of the autonomic nervous system.


1. Do you battle to fall asleep?

Poor GABA leads to inefficiency of sleep

2. Do you struggle to focus on your work, training or diet?

Dopamine dominance caused by excessive sympathetic position impairs concentration due to the depletion of magnesium during dopamine dominance

3. Do you need to use an alarm clock to wake up in the morning?

A lack of energy in the morning is symptomatic of poor liver function and renal health

4. Do you wake up more than once in the evening?

Impaired sleep is often caused by a state of dysbiosis, results in depleted serotonin levels

5. Can you get through the day without a cup of coffee?

Reliance on stimulants is closely associated with reduced methyl donor and iron density, both of which are depleted when a gastric function is inhibited by norepinephrine

6. How often do you yawn during the afternoon?

Lack of oxygen is closely linked to sympathetic receptor facilitation around the thoracic column, which in essence impairs the function of the diaphragm to expand and increase oxygen intake.

7. Does your vision ever start to blur?

Blurry vision is closely linked to depletion of fat-soluble vitamins noticed in biological environments with high amounts of autoxidation.

8. Do you ever suffer from undue anxiety or depression?

Imbalance of neurotransmitters depletes the liver’s ability to deaminate amino acids into a formation of precursors needed toward optimal neurological communication

9. During your workouts are you able to maintain a tempo?

A lack of tempo control is often due impaired influence of neuron health, often seen in tissue that becomes hypertonic due to excessive catecholamine release.

10. When you attempt to stretch do you feel stressed?

A lack of ability to lengthen a muscle is closely linked to the depleted concentration of available chloride to depolarize neuron cell bodies, chloride is often depleted due to overactivation of neurons.


1. Do you have an appetite to eat your next meal? 

Lack of appetite is linked to lack of Gastrin release related to stress

2. What are your emotional responses to eating a healthy meal as opposed to an unhealthy meal? 

Lack of Hcl release creates a shift within the ventral hypothalamus to increase cravings of refined food sources

3. After having a meal do you suffer from belching or gas?

Poor acidity in the stomach creates a negative reaction of increased bicarbonate release within the upper Gi tract

4. Do you feel better if you don’t eat?

Inefficient Hcl release causes poor digestion which may result in bloating, increase of adaptive immune response through mediated IgG antibodies influences fatigue, therefore those who feel better not eating may suffer from poor parietal cell function in the stomach

5. Is your stomach upset after taking vitamins?

Lack of release of intrinsic factor leads to poor absorption of B-vitamins creating nausea

6. Have you formed a loss of taste for meat?

Poor activity of pepsin influences protein digestion. Environments of stress impair Hcl release required for the activity of pepsinogen into pepsin

7. Do you have a bitter taste in your mouth, especially after meals?

Increased transferase enzyme activity leads into reduced production of pancreatic enzymes, thus resulting in changes to the sensation of taste with food. Thus the worse the state of the liver the less one starts to enjoy healthy food.

8. Is your stomach upset after having a greasy meal?

Impaired micelle function leads our physiology into reduced bile formation, this impairs fat emulsification and thus aggravates the GI tract with excessive concentration of triglycerides

9. Are you suffering from sinus congestion?

Imbalance of bacteria creates accelerated immune response thus increasing histamine production, resulting in sinus congestion.

10. Do you have bizarre or vivid dreams?

An increased state of dysbiosis leads one into a state of toxicity as unwanted bacteria release metabolic toxins during their own unique organic cycle. An increased release of toxins not only starves our bodies of essential nutrients but also impairs our ability to use amino acids for appropriate neurotransmitter production. An increase in bad dreams is therefore closely linked to an increase of unwanted bacterial overgrowth.

Video Q&A