Stressful Food
Stressful Food
How many embark on a diet with good intent to be diligent and committed to the cause of a healthier- leaner physique, yet never reach their goal? Immunity is constantly being compromised in modern living whether it comes from exposure to pollution or digestion of additives to the food, we are all working harder to stay healthier than ever before.
Stress response initiates the release of energy mobilising hormones, which release glucose into the bloodstream supplying the brain with much needed heightened available ATP. This response is effective in providing a flight or fight response needed for survival. As with any machine if we push our engineering to the brink we will eventually malfunction. Constant exposure to stress creates an ongoing heightened stress response leading to excessive blood glucose concentration: which causes a negative feedback loop to insulin receptor sensitivity (over prolonged stress exposure) leading to a host of metabolic health disorders.
Now, what if I were to tell you that even if you are eating healthy organic food you could still be causing this stress response to take effect? Well, the truth lies in our individual DNA response to food and the body perception of foreign invasion. Sensitivity foods are foods that the body has poor or little ability to metabolize thus has an immune reaction toward these sources (sensitivity foods will trigger a monocyte trigger causing cytokines to be released and increase inflammation) thus increased cortisol release.
Why do healthy foods cause an inflammatory effect?
History of viral/bacterial and parasite infections will alter the body’s immune state to handling future attacks on the immune system. This alternation however also affects the microbiome and its ability toward utilising nutrients. Thus the worse your exposure to unhealthy foods, the environment, and lifestyle the more likely you will have sensitivities (even toward seemingly healthy foods).
What can be done?
Firstly eliminate lifestyle habits that will increase inflammation and thus stress response. This includes but is not limited to excessive drinking, sugar consumption and omega 6 rich animal protein sources, wheat, yeast and gluten, and dairy. Once you have eliminated the more common food sensitivities then introduce a healthy source of colorful vegetables and lean quality free-range animal protein as well as good carbohydrates such as quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potato, and pumpkin. Next, you should take a big step and seek out the advice of a qualified Bio-Scientist to conduct a good reliable food sensitivity test along with a possible stool test to assess bacteria balance (another cause of food sensitivities).